Bariatric Surgery
Dental Health
ENT Treatments & Services
Implantable Medical devices
IVF - Treatment & Services
Complete Assessment of male and female sub fertility
Ovulatory induction / controlled ovarian stimulation
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Husband / Donor
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Semen Bank
Donor Oocyte Program
Donor Embryo Program
Cryopreservation Services (for Gametes and Embryos) (Fertility Preservation)
Blastocyst Culture
Oncology / Cancer
Organ Transplant
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
Joint Replacement
Spine & Brain Neurology
Partial knee Replacement
It is also referred to as Unicondylar Replacement Surgery, or Knee resurfacing, and is a surgical procedure which involves the resurfacing of the worn out bony surface of the knee joint. In this, either the inside joint (medial); outside parts of the knee (lateral); or area between the knee cap and the upper front surface of the femur (patellofemoral) is replaced. This means only the damaged part of the knee cartilage is replaced with a prosthesis not all parts as in Total Knee Replacement Surgery.

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