What is Orthopedic Surgery And Its Treatment In India?

Orthopedic surgery is a branch of medicine whose goal is to treat various skeletal and locomotor system conditions (or to reduce their symptoms). It can be used to treat issues with the joints, cartilage, or bones.

What orthopaedic surgery subspecialties are there?

Orthopedic surgery has a specialisation known as emergency surgery. In this kind of surgery, patients with traumatic injuries who have recently experienced acute trauma are treated urgently.

Here are a few instances

  • Cut injuries
  • Damage from a fire weapon.
  • Traffic collisions
  • Accidents at the home
  • Various kinds of accidents at work.
  • orthopaedic assistance

The medical speciality of orthopaedics, often known as orthopaedic services, deals with the care of the musculoskeletal system. It consists of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints.


Numerous medical conditions may affect the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.


Many orthopaedic disorders can be diagnosed or even treated using imaging techniques. A medical professional may prescribe:

  • x-rays
  • Bone x-rays
  • Digital Tomography (CT)
  • Imaging with magnetic resonance (MRI).
  • Artographies (x-rays of the joint)
  • Discography

The following medical professionals could be on the orthopaedic team

  • Neurologists
  • Specialists in pain (algologists)
  • Primary healthcare providers.
  • Psychiatrists
  • Experts in sports medicine.
  • Sports trainers are other medical specialists who could be a part of the orthopaedic team.
  • Chiropractors, consultants, and licensed nurses.
  • Physiotherapists
  • Expert medical assistants
  • Psychologists for careers in social work

What percentage of knee replacements in India is successful?

Over 85% of implanted prosthetic knees continue to function even after 20 years of age. Most often, patients between 50 and 80 have knee replacement surgery to regain a healthy lifestyle and relieve persistent pain.

What justifies knee replacement?

  • A difficult surgical operation called arthroplasty is used to replace a damaged knee joint with an artificial metal and artificial knee cap. The following conditions may necessitate knee replacement surgery:
  • Severe, ongoing knee pain keeps from going about the regular business and makes it difficult to sleep.
  • Knee joint is so swollen and tight that can’t even sit or stand straight.
  • Lead an active lifestyle with little to no pain after knee replacement. It is advised whenever all other therapies, such as physical therapy and steroid injections, are ineffective.

What varieties of knee replacement surgery are there?

The four main procedures for knee replacement are as follows. They are, based on the patient’s condition:

Total knee replacement

This procedure involves replacing the joint surface between the top of the tibia and the end of the femur. The replacement may even extend below the knee’s surface if necessary.

A Unicompartmental partial knee replacement is done if osteoarthritis has damaged parts of the knee, primarily the inside.

The patella and its groove are replaced through patella replacement, also referred to as patellofemoral arthroplasty. The revision or Complex Knee Replacement: There are many reasons for revision knee replacement. When the first operation fails due to severe arthritis, a loose implanted device, etc., it is typically the second or third replacement that is required.

When should a knee replacement be considered?

Although many medical conditions can lead to knee replacement, these are some of the most common ones:

  • Problems include osteoarthritis of the knee, rheumatoid arthritis, and major knee injuries.
  • Severe discomfort, even during sleep.
  • Chronic knee inflammation is unaffected by drugs, physical therapy, etc.
  • knee malformation
  • Knee stiffness makes it difficult to perform daily tasks like sitting, standing, climbing stairs, etc.

What advantages do knee replacements in India?

  • More mobility, minimal to no pain.
  • Resuming the routine
  • People with knee replacement surgery report being quite satisfied with the outcomes and related advantages.

Healing Time

Due to the serious nature of knee replacement surgery, recovery might take up to six weeks. Following a knee replacement, it takes six to twelve months to recuperate fully and fully resume a healthy lifestyle.

How much does a knee replacement procedure cost in India?

The knee replacement cost in India is anywhere between Rs. 1, 50,000 to Rs. 3, 80,000. As compared to many western countries, the knee replacement cost in India is quite low.

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